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Description:s3jlocc_m: w3 S Longest job occupation code
Item type:Constructed variable
Answer type:Enumerated
Answer choices: 1.Professionals ; 2.Technicians ; 3.Educators ; 4.Workers in Art, Shows, and Sports ; 5.Officials and Directors Public, Private, and Social Sectors ; 6.Workers in Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, and Fishing ; 7.Bosses/Supervisors etc in Artistic, Ind. Production, Repair, Maintenance Activities ; 8.Artisans and Workers in Production, Repair, Maintenance ; 9.Operators of Fixed Machinery and Equipment for Ind. Production ; 10.Asst/Laborers etc in Ind. Production, Repair, Maintenance ; 11.Drivers and Asst Drivers of Mobile Machinery and Transport Vehicles ; 12.Department Heads/Coordinators/Supervisors in Admin and Service Activities ; 13.Administrative Support Staff ; 14.Merchants and Sales Representatives ; 15.Traveling Salespeople and Traveling Salespeople of Services ; 16.Workers in the Service Industry ; 17.Domestic Workers ; 18.Safety and Security Personnel ; .c: Job not classifiable ; .d:DK ; .m:Missing ; .r:Refuse ; .u:Unmar ; .v:SP NR ; .w:not working
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