h1hhres |
h1hhres:w1 Number of people in HH |
h2hhres |
h2hhres:w2 Number of people in HH |
h3hhres |
h3hhres:w3 Number of people in HH |
h4hhres |
h4hhres:w4 Number of people in HH |
h5hhres |
h5hhres:w5 Number of people in HH |
h1child |
h1child:w1 Number of living children |
h2child |
h2child:w2 Number of living children |
h3child |
h3child:w3 Number of living children |
h4child |
h4child:w4 Number of living children |
h5child |
h5child:w5 Number of living children |
r1evbrn |
r1evbrn:w1 R Number of Children Ever Born |
r2evbrn |
r2evbrn:w2 R Number of Children Ever Born |
r3evbrn |
r3evbrn:w3 R Number of Children Ever Born |
r4evbrn |
r4evbrn:w4 R Number of Children Ever Born |
r5evbrn |
r5evbrn:w5 R Number of Children Ever Born |
h1coresd |
h1coresd:w1 any child co-reside with respondent |
h2coresd |
h2coresd:w2 any child co-reside with respondent |
h3coresd |
h3coresd:w3 any child co-reside with respondent |
h4coresd |
h4coresd:w4 any child co-reside with respondent |
h5coresd |
h5coresd:w5 any child co-reside with respondent |
h1lvnear |
h1lvnear: w1 Any child lives in the same city |
h2lvnear |
h2lvnear: w2 Any child lives in the same city |
h3lvnear |
h3lvnear: w3 Any child lives in the same city |
h4lvnear |
h4lvnear: w4 Any child lives in the same city |
h5lvnear |
h5lvnear: w5 Any child lives in the same city |
h1kcntf |
h1kcntf: w1 Any weekly contact w/ children in person |
h2kcntf |
h2kcntf: w2 Any weekly contact w/ children in person |
h3kcntf |
h3kcntf: w3 Any weekly contact w/ children in person |
h4kcntf |
h4kcntf: w4 Any weekly contact w/ children in person |
h5kcntf |
h5kcntf: w5 Any weekly contact w/ children in person |
r1momliv |
r1momliv:w1 R mother alive |
r2momliv |
r2momliv:w2 R mother alive |
r3momliv |
r3momliv:w3 R mother alive |
r4momliv |
r4momliv:w4 R mother alive |
r5momliv |
r5momliv:w5 R mother alive |
r4dadliv |
r4dadliv:w4 R father alive |
r5dadliv |
r5dadliv:w5 R father alive |
r4livpar |
r4livpar:w4 R number living parents |
r5livpar |
r5livpar:w5 R number living parents |
r1momage |
r1momage:w1 R mother age current/at death |
r2momage |
r2momage:w2 R mother age current/at death |
r3momage |
r3momage:w3 R mother age current/at death |
r4momage |
r4momage:w4 R mother age current/at death |
r5momage |
r5momage:w5 R mother age current/at death |
r4dadage |
r4dadage:w4 R father age current/at death |
r5dadage |
r5dadage:w5 R father age current/at death |