hhid |
hhid: household id /6-char |
pn |
pn: Person number within household (char) |
mergeid |
mergeid: cid - hhid - pn /12-char |
hh1hhid |
hh1hhid:w1 cid + hhold id + subhousehold /Num |
hh2hhid |
hh2hhid:w2 cid + hhold id + subhousehold /Num |
hh3hhid |
hh3hhid:w3 cid + hhold id + subhousehold /Num |
hh4hhid |
hh4hhid:w4 cid + hhold id + subhousehold /Num |
hh5hhid |
hh5hhid:w5 cid + hhold id + subhousehold /Num |
hh6hhid |
hh6hhid:w6 cid + hhold id + subhousehold /Num |
hh7hhid |
hh7hhid:w7 cid + hhold id + subhousehold /Num |
hh8hhid |
hh8hhid:w8 cid + hhold id + subhousehold /Num |
hh9hhid |
hh9hhid:w9 cid + hhold id + subhousehold /Num |
hh1hhidc |
hh1hhidc:w1 cid + hhold id + subhousehold /9-char |
hh2hhidc |
hh2hhidc:w2 cid + hhold id + subhousehold /9-char |
hh3hhidc |
hh3hhidc:w3 cid + hhold id + subhousehold /9-char |
hh4hhidc |
hh4hhidc:w4 cid + hhold id + subhousehold /9-char |
hh5hhidc |
hh5hhidc:w5 cid + hhold id + subhousehold /9-char |
hh6hhidc |
hh6hhidc:w6 cid + hhold id + subhousehold /9-char |
hh7hhidc |
hh7hhidc:w7 cid + hhold id + subhousehold /9-char |
hh8hhidc |
hh8hhidc:w8 cid + hhold id + subhousehold /9-char |
hh9hhidc |
hh9hhidc:w9 cid + hhold id + subhousehold /9-char |
hhid1 |
hhid1: SHARE household identifier wave 1 |
hhid2 |
hhid2: SHARE household identifier wave 2 |
hhid3 |
hhid3: SHARE household identifier wave 3 |
hhid4 |
hhid4: SHARE household identifier wave 4 |
hhid5 |
hhid5: SHARE household identifier wave 5 |
hhid6 |
hhid6: SHARE household identifier wave 6 |
hhid7 |
hhid7: SHARE household identifier wave 7 |
hhid8 |
hhid8: SHARE household identifier wave 8 |
hhid9 |
hhid9: SHARE household identifier wave 9 |
country |
Country identifier |
isocountry |
UN numerical country code |
isoa3 |
isoa3: Country indicator |
r1lang_s |
r1lang_s:w1 r language of interview |
r2lang_s |
r2lang_s:w2 r language of interview |
r3lang_s |
r3lang_s:w3 r language of interview |
r4lang_s |
r4lang_s:w4 r language of interview |
r5lang_s |
r5lang_s:w5 r language of interview |
r6lang_s |
r6lang_s:w6 r language of interview |
r7lang_s |
r7lang_s:w7 r language of interview |
r8lang_s |
r8lang_s:w8 r language of interview |
r9lang_s |
r9lang_s:w9 r language of interview |
s1lang_s |
s1lang_s:w1 s language of interview |
s2lang_s |
s2lang_s:w2 s language of interview |
s3lang_s |
s3lang_s:w3 s language of interview |
s4lang_s |
s4lang_s:w4 s language of interview |
s5lang_s |
s5lang_s:w5 s language of interview |
s6lang_s |
s6lang_s:w6 s language of interview |
s7lang_s |
s7lang_s:w7 s language of interview |
s8lang_s |
s8lang_s:w8 s language of interview |
s9lang_s |
s9lang_s:w9 s language of interview |
implicat |
implicat: implicate number |
h1coupid |
Wave_1 specific couple id number /num |
h2coupid |
Wave_2 specific couple id number /num |
h3coupid |
Wave_3 specific couple id number /num |
h4coupid |
Wave_4 specific couple id number /num |
h5coupid |
Wave_5 specific couple id number /num |
h6coupid |
Wave_6 specific couple id number /num |
h7coupid |
Wave_7 specific couple id number /num |
h8coupid |
Wave_8 specific couple id number /num |
h9coupid |
Wave_9 specific couple id number /num |
h1coupidc |
wave 1 specific couple id number /5-char |
h2coupidc |
wave 2 specific couple id number /5-char |
h3coupidc |
wave 3 specific couple id number /5-char |
h4coupidc |
wave 4 specific couple id number /5-char |
h5coupidc |
wave 5 specific couple id number /5-char |
h6coupidc |
wave 6 specific couple id number /5-char |
h7coupidc |
wave 7 specific couple id number /5-char |
h8coupidc |
wave 8 specific couple id number /5-char |
h9coupidc |
wave 9 specific couple id number /5-char |
s1mergeid |
s1mergeid:w1 spouse mergeid /12-char |
s2mergeid |
s2mergeid:w2 spouse mergeid /12-char |
s3mergeid |
s3mergeid:w3 spouse mergeid /12-char |
s4mergeid |
s4mergeid:w4 spouse mergeid /12-char |
s5mergeid |
s5mergeid:w5 spouse mergeid /12-char |
s6mergeid |
s6mergeid:w6 spouse mergeid /12-char |
s7mergeid |
s7mergeid:w7 spouse mergeid /12-char |
s8mergeid |
s8mergeid:w8 spouse mergeid /12-char |
s9mergeid |
s9mergeid:w9 spouse mergeid /12-char |
raspct |
raspct: # of spouses with mergeid |
raspid1 |
raspid1: mergeid of 1st spouse |
raspid2 |
raspid2: mergeid of 2nd spouse |
raspid3 |
raspid3: mergeid of 3rd spouse |
raspid4 |
raspid4: mergeid of 4th spouse |
inw1 |
inw1: =1 if respondent w1 |
inw2 |
inw2: =1 if respondent w2 |
inw4 |
inw4: =1 if respondent w4 |
inw5 |
inw5: =1 if respondent w5 |
inw6 |
inw6: =1 if respondent w6 |
inw7 |
inw7: =1 if respondent w7 |
inw8 |
inw8: =1 if respondent w8 |
inw9 |
inw9: =1 if respondent w9 |
inw1sc |
inw1sc: =1 if respondent w1 drop-off |
inw2sc |
inw2sc: =1 if respondent w2 drop-off |
inw4sc |
inw4sc: =1 if respondent w4 drop-off |
inw5sc |
inw5sc: =1 if respondent w5 drop-off |
inw6sc |
inw6sc: =1 if respondent w6 drop-off |
inw7sc |
inw7sc: =1 if respondent w7 drop-off |
inw8sc |
inw8sc: =1 if respondent w8 drop-off |
inw9sc |
inw9sc: =1 if respondent w9 drop-off |
inw3lh |
inw3lh: =1 if respondent w3 life history |
inw7lh |
inw7lh: =1 if respondent w7 life history |
inw7c |
inw7c: =1 if respondent w7 condensed version |
r1iwstat |
r1iwstat:w1 r interview status |
r2iwstat |
r2iwstat:w2 r interview status |
r3iwstat |
r3iwstat:w3 r interview status |
r4iwstat |
r4iwstat:w4 r interview status |
r5iwstat |
r5iwstat:w5 r interview status |
r6iwstat |
r6iwstat:w6 r interview status |
r7iwstat |
r7iwstat:w7 r interview status |
r8iwstat |
r8iwstat:w8 r interview status |
r9iwstat |
r9iwstat:w9 r interview status |
s1iwstat |
s1iwstat:w1 s interview status |
s2iwstat |
s2iwstat:w2 s interview status |
s3iwstat |
s3iwstat:w3 s interview status |
s4iwstat |
s4iwstat:w4 s interview status |
s5iwstat |
s5iwstat:w5 s interview status |
s6iwstat |
s6iwstat:w6 s interview status |
s7iwstat |
s7iwstat:w7 s interview status |
s8iwstat |
s8iwstat:w8 s interview status |
s9iwstat |
s9iwstat:w9 s interview status |
hacohort |
hacohort: Sample cohort |
rasampelig |
rasampelig: r eligibility at w1 sampling |
s1sampelig |
s1sampelig:w1 s eligibility at w1 sampling |
s2sampelig |
s2sampelig:w2 s eligibility at w1 sampling |
s4sampelig |
s4sampelig:w4 s eligibility at w1 sampling |
s5sampelig |
s5sampelig:w5 s eligibility at w1 sampling |
s6sampelig |
s6sampelig:w6 s eligibility at w1 sampling |
s7sampelig |
s7sampelig:w7 s eligibility at w1 sampling |
s8sampelig |
s8sampelig:w8 s eligibility at w1 sampling |
s9sampelig |
s9sampelig:w9 s eligibility at w1 sampling |
r1wtsamp |
r1wtsamp:w1 design weight |
r2wtsamp |
r2wtsamp:w2 design weight |
r3wtsamp |
r3wtsamp:w3 design weight |
r4wtsamp |
r4wtsamp:w4 design weight |
r5wtsamp |
r5wtsamp:w5 design weight |
r6wtsamp |
r6wtsamp:w6 design weight |
r7wtsamp |
r7wtsamp:w7 design weight |
r8wtsamp |
r8wtsamp:w8 design weight |
r9wtsamp |
r9wtsamp:w9 design weight |
rapsu1 |
rapsu1: primary sampling unit |
rapsu2 |
rapsu2: secondary sampling unit |
raestrat1 |
raestrat1: first stratification variable |
raestrat2 |
raestrat2: second stratification variable |
r1wthh |
r1wthh:w1 household analysis weight |
r2wthh |
r2wthh:w2 household analysis weight |
r4wthh |
r4wthh:w4 household analysis weight |
r5wthh |
r5wthh:w5 household analysis weight |
r6wthh |
r6wthh:w6 household analysis weight |
r7wthh |
r7wthh:w7 household analysis weight |
r8wthh |
r8wthh:w8 household analysis weight |
r9wthh |
r9wthh:w9 household analysis weight |
ral12wthh |
ral12wthh:w1-w2 household longitudinal weight |
ral23wthh |
ral23wthh:w2-w3 household longitudinal weight |
ral34wthh |
ral34wthh:w3-w4 household longitudinal weight |
ral45wthh |
ral45wthh:w4-w5 household longitudinal weight |
ral56wthh |
ral56wthh:w5-w6 household longitudinal weight |
ral67wthh |
ral67wthh:w6-w7 household longitudinal weight |
ral78wthh |
ral78wthh:w7-w8 household longitudinal weight |
ral89wthh |
ral89wthh:w8-w9 household longitudinal weight |
ral19wthh |
ral19wthh:w1-w9 household longitudinal weight |
r1wtresp |
r1wtresp:w1 person-level analysis weight |
r2wtresp |
r2wtresp:w2 person-level analysis weight |
r4wtresp |
r4wtresp:w4 person-level analysis weight |
r5wtresp |
r5wtresp:w5 person-level analysis weight |
r6wtresp |
r6wtresp:w6 person-level analysis weight |
r7wtresp |
r7wtresp:w7 person-level analysis weight |
r8wtresp |
r8wtresp:w8 person-level analysis weight |
r9wtresp |
r9wtresp:w9 person-level analysis weight |
r7wtrespc |
r7wtrespc:w7 person-level analysis weight condensed qstnr |
ral12wtrsp |
ral12wtrsp:w1-w2 person-level longitudinal weight |
ral23wtrsp |
ral23wtrsp:w2-w3 person-level longitudinal weight |
ral34wtrsp |
ral34wtrsp:w3-w4 person-level longitudinal weight |
ral45wtrsp |
ral45wtrsp:w4-w5 person-level longitudinal weight |
ral56wtrsp |
ral56wtrsp:w5-w6 person-level longitudinal weight |
ral67wtrsp |
ral67wtrsp:w6-w7 person-level longitudinal weight |
ral78wtrsp |
ral78wtrsp:w7-w8 person-level longitudinal weight |
ral89wtrsp |
ral89wtrsp:w8-w9 person-level longitudinal weight |
ral19wtrsp |
ral19wtrsp:w1-w9 person-level longitudinal weight |
hh1hhresp |
hh1hhresp:w1 # core respondents in hh |
hh2hhresp |
hh2hhresp:w2 # core respondents in hh |
hh4hhresp |
hh4hhresp:w4 # core respondents in hh |
hh5hhresp |
hh5hhresp:w5 # core respondents in hh |
hh6hhresp |
hh6hhresp:w6 # core respondents in hh |
hh7hhresp |
hh7hhresp:w7 # core respondents in hh |
hh8hhresp |
hh8hhresp:w8 # core respondents in hh |
hh9hhresp |
hh9hhresp:w9 # core respondents in hh |
h1cpl |
h1cpl:w1 whether coupled |
h2cpl |
h2cpl:w2 whether coupled |
h4cpl |
h4cpl:w4 whether coupled |
h5cpl |
h5cpl:w5 whether coupled |
h6cpl |
h6cpl:w6 whether coupled |
h7cpl |
h7cpl:w7 whether coupled |
h8cpl |
h8cpl:w8 whether coupled |
h9cpl |
h9cpl:w9 whether coupled |
r1finr |
r1finr:w1 whether r financial resp |
r2finr |
r2finr:w2 whether r financial resp |
r4finr |
r4finr:w4 whether r financial resp |
r5finr |
r5finr:w5 whether r financial resp |
r6finr |
r6finr:w6 whether r financial resp |
r7finr |
r7finr:w7 whether r financial resp |
r8finr |
r8finr:w8 whether r financial resp |
r9finr |
r9finr:w9 whether r financial resp |
s1finr |
s1finr:w1 whether s financial resp |
s2finr |
s2finr:w2 whether s financial resp |
s4finr |
s4finr:w4 whether s financial resp |
s5finr |
s5finr:w5 whether s financial resp |
s6finr |
s6finr:w6 whether s financial resp |
s7finr |
s7finr:w7 whether s financial resp |
s8finr |
s8finr:w8 whether s financial resp |
s9finr |
s9finr:w9 whether s financial resp |
r1hhr |
r1hhr:w1 whether r hh resp |
r2hhr |
r2hhr:w2 whether r hh resp |
r4hhr |
r4hhr:w4 whether r hh resp |
r5hhr |
r5hhr:w5 whether r hh resp |
r6hhr |
r6hhr:w6 whether r hh resp |
r7hhr |
r7hhr:w7 whether r hh resp |
r8hhr |
r8hhr:w8 whether r hh resp |
r9hhr |
r9hhr:w9 whether r hh resp |
s1hhr |
s1hhr:w1 whether s hh resp |
s2hhr |
s2hhr:w2 whether s hh resp |
s4hhr |
s4hhr:w4 whether s hh resp |
s5hhr |
s5hhr:w5 whether s hh resp |
s6hhr |
s6hhr:w6 whether s hh resp |
s7hhr |
s7hhr:w7 whether s hh resp |
s8hhr |
s8hhr:w8 whether s hh resp |
s9hhr |
s9hhr:w9 whether s hh resp |
r1famr |
r1famr:w1 whether r family resp |
r2famr |
r2famr:w2 whether r family resp |
r4famr |
r4famr:w4 whether r family resp |
r5famr |
r5famr:w5 whether r family resp |
r6famr |
r6famr:w6 whether r family resp |
r7famr |
r7famr:w7 whether r family resp |
r8famr |
r8famr:w8 whether r family resp |
r9famr |
r9famr:w9 whether r family resp |
s1famr |
s1famr:w1 whether s family resp |
s2famr |
s2famr:w2 whether s family resp |
s4famr |
s4famr:w4 whether s family resp |
s5famr |
s5famr:w5 whether s family resp |
s6famr |
s6famr:w6 whether s family resp |
s7famr |
s7famr:w7 whether s family resp |
s8famr |
s8famr:w8 whether s family resp |
s9famr |
s9famr:w9 whether s family resp |
r1proxy |
r1proxy:w1 whether r proxy interview |
r2proxy |
r2proxy:w2 whether r proxy interview |
r4proxy |
r4proxy:w4 whether r proxy interview |
r5proxy |
r5proxy:w5 whether r proxy interview |
r6proxy |
r6proxy:w6 whether r proxy interview |
r7proxy |
r7proxy:w7 whether r proxy interview |
r8proxy |
r8proxy:w8 whether r proxy interview |
r9proxy |
r9proxy:w9 whether r proxy interview |
s1proxy |
s1proxy:w1 whether s proxy interview |
s2proxy |
s2proxy:w2 whether s proxy interview |
s4proxy |
s4proxy:w4 whether s proxy interview |
s5proxy |
s5proxy:w5 whether s proxy interview |
s6proxy |
s6proxy:w6 whether s proxy interview |
s7proxy |
s7proxy:w7 whether s proxy interview |
s8proxy |
s8proxy:w8 whether s proxy interview |
s9proxy |
s9proxy:w9 whether s proxy interview |
r1iwm |
r1iwm:w1 r interview month |
r2iwm |
r2iwm:w2 r interview month |
r4iwm |
r4iwm:w4 r interview month |
r5iwm |
r5iwm:w5 r interview month |
r6iwm |
r6iwm:w6 r interview month |
r7iwm |
r7iwm:w7 r interview month |
r8iwm |
r8iwm:w8 r interview month |
r9iwm |
r9iwm:w9 r interview month |
s1iwm |
s1iwm:w1 s interview month |
s2iwm |
s2iwm:w2 s interview month |
s4iwm |
s4iwm:w4 s interview month |
s5iwm |
s5iwm:w5 s interview month |
s6iwm |
s6iwm:w6 s interview month |
s7iwm |
s7iwm:w7 s interview month |
s8iwm |
s8iwm:w8 s interview month |
s9iwm |
s9iwm:w9 s interview month |
r1iwy |
r1iwy:w1 r interview year |
r2iwy |
r2iwy:w2 r interview year |
r4iwy |
r4iwy:w4 r interview year |
r5iwy |
r5iwy:w5 r interview year |
r6iwy |
r6iwy:w6 r interview year |
r7iwy |
r7iwy:w7 r interview year |
r8iwy |
r8iwy:w8 r interview year |
r9iwy |
r9iwy:w9 r interview year |
s1iwy |
s1iwy:w1 s interview year |
s2iwy |
s2iwy:w2 s interview year |
s4iwy |
s4iwy:w4 s interview year |
s5iwy |
s5iwy:w5 s interview year |
s6iwy |
s6iwy:w6 s interview year |
s7iwy |
s7iwy:w7 s interview year |
s8iwy |
s8iwy:w8 s interview year |
s9iwy |
s9iwy:w9 s interview year |
rabyear |
rabyear: r birth year |
s1byear |
s1byear: s birth year |
s2byear |
s2byear: s birth year |
s4byear |
s4byear: s birth year |
s5byear |
s5byear: s birth year |
s6byear |
s6byear: s birth year |
s7byear |
s7byear: s birth year |
s8byear |
s8byear: s birth year |
s9byear |
s9byear: s birth year |
rabmonth |
rabmonth: r birth month |
s1bmonth |
s1bmonth: s birth month |
s2bmonth |
s2bmonth: s birth month |
s4bmonth |
s4bmonth: s birth month |
s5bmonth |
s5bmonth: s birth month |
s6bmonth |
s6bmonth: s birth month |
s7bmonth |
s7bmonth: s birth month |
s8bmonth |
s8bmonth: s birth month |
s9bmonth |
s9bmonth: s birth month |
radyear |
radyear: r death year |
radmonth |
radmonth: r death month |
r1agey |
r1agey:w1 r age (years) at ivw |
r2agey |
r2agey:w2 r age (years) at ivw |
r4agey |
r4agey:w4 r age (years) at ivw |
r5agey |
r5agey:w5 r age (years) at ivw |
r6agey |
r6agey:w6 r age (years) at ivw |
r7agey |
r7agey:w7 r age (years) at ivw |
r8agey |
r8agey:w8 r age (years) at ivw |
r9agey |
r9agey:w9 r age (years) at ivw |
s1agey |
s1agey:w1 s age (years) at ivw |
s2agey |
s2agey:w2 s age (years) at ivw |
s4agey |
s4agey:w4 s age (years) at ivw |
s5agey |
s5agey:w5 s age (years) at ivw |
s6agey |
s6agey:w6 s age (years) at ivw |
s7agey |
s7agey:w7 s age (years) at ivw |
s8agey |
s8agey:w8 s age (years) at ivw |
s9agey |
s9agey:w9 s age (years) at ivw |
r1agem |
r1agem:w1 r age (months) at ivw |
r2agem |
r2agem:w2 r age (months) at ivw |
r4agem |
r4agem:w4 r age (months) at ivw |
r5agem |
r5agem:w5 r age (months) at ivw |
r6agem |
r6agem:w6 r age (months) at ivw |
r7agem |
r7agem:w7 r age (months) at ivw |
r8agem |
r8agem:w8 r age (months) at ivw |
r9agem |
r9agem:w9 r age (months) at ivw |
s1agem |
s1agem:w1 s age (months) at ivw |
s2agem |
s2agem:w2 s age (months) at ivw |
s4agem |
s4agem:w4 s age (months) at ivw |
s5agem |
s5agem:w5 s age (months) at ivw |
s6agem |
s6agem:w6 s age (months) at ivw |
s7agem |
s7agem:w7 s age (months) at ivw |
s8agem |
s8agem:w8 s age (months) at ivw |
s9agem |
s9agem:w9 s age (months) at ivw |
ragender |
ragender: r gender |
s1gender |
s1gender:w1 s gender |
s2gender |
s2gender:w2 s gender |
s4gender |
s4gender:w4 s gender |
s5gender |
s5gender:w5 s gender |
s6gender |
s6gender:w6 s gender |
s7gender |
s7gender:w7 s gender |
s8gender |
s8gender:w8 s gender |
s9gender |
s9gender:w9 s gender |
raedyrs |
raedyrs: r years of education |
s1edyrs |
s1edyrs:w1 s years of education |
s2edyrs |
s2edyrs:w2 s years of education |
s4edyrs |
s4edyrs:w4 s years of education |
s5edyrs |
s5edyrs:w5 s years of education |
s6edyrs |
s6edyrs:w6 s years of education |
s7edyrs |
s7edyrs:w7 s years of education |
s8edyrs |
s8edyrs:w8 s years of education |
s9edyrs |
s9edyrs:w9 s years of education |
rafedyrs |
rafedyrs: r impflag: years of education |
s1fedyrs |
s1fedyrs:impflag w1 s years of education |
s2fedyrs |
s2fedyrs:impflag w2 s years of education |
s4fedyrs |
s4fedyrs:impflag w4 s years of education |
s5fedyrs |
s5fedyrs:impflag w5 s years of education |
s6fedyrs |
s6fedyrs:impflag w6 s years of education |
s7fedyrs |
s7fedyrs:impflag w7 s years of education |
s8fedyrs |
s8fedyrs:impflag w8 s years of education |
s9fedyrs |
s9fedyrs:impflag w9 s years of education |
raedisced |
raedisced: r education by isced code |
s1edisced |
s1edisced:w1 s education by isced code |
s2edisced |
s2edisced:w2 s education by isced code |
s4edisced |
s4edisced:w4 s education by isced code |
s5edisced |
s5edisced:w5 s education by isced code |
s6edisced |
s6edisced:w6 s education by isced code |
s7edisced |
s7edisced:w7 s education by isced code |
s8edisced |
s8edisced:w8 s education by isced code |
s9edisced |
s9edisced:w9 s education by isced code |
rafedisced |
rafedisced:impflag r education by isced code |
s1fedisced |
s1fedisced:impflag w1 s education by isced code |
s2fedisced |
s2fedisced:impflag w2 s education by isced code |
s4fedisced |
s4fedisced:impflag w4 s education by isced code |
s5fedisced |
s5fedisced:impflag w5 s education by isced code |
s6fedisced |
s6fedisced:impflag w6 s education by isced code |
s7fedisced |
s7fedisced:impflag w7 s education by isced code |
s8fedisced |
s8fedisced:impflag w8 s education by isced code |
s9fedisced |
s9fedisced:impflag w9 s education by isced code |
raeducel |
raeducel: r harmonized early education level |
s1educel |
s1educel:w1 s harmonized early education level |
s2educel |
s2educel:w2 s harmonized early education level |
s4educel |
s4educel:w4 s harmonized early education level |
s5educel |
s5educel:w5 s harmonized early education level |
s6educel |
s6educel:w6 s harmonized early education level |
s7educel |
s7educel:w7 s harmonized early education level |
s8educel |
s8educel:w8 s harmonized early education level |
s9educel |
s9educel:w9 s harmonized early education level |
raeducl |
raeducl: r harmonized education level |
s1educl |
s1educl:w1 s harmonized education level |
s2educl |
s2educl:w2 s harmonized education level |
s4educl |
s4educl:w4 s harmonized education level |
s5educl |
s5educl:w5 s harmonized education level |
s6educl |
s6educl:w6 s harmonized education level |
s7educl |
s7educl:w7 s harmonized education level |
s8educl |
s8educl:w8 s harmonized education level |
s9educl |
s9educl:w9 s harmonized education level |
rafeducl |
rafeducl:impflag r harmonized education level |
s1feducl |
s1feducl:impflag w1 s harmonized education level |
s2feducl |
s2feducl:impflag w2 s harmonized education level |
s4feducl |
s4feducl:impflag w4 s harmonized education level |
s5feducl |
s5feducl:impflag w5 s harmonized education level |
s6feducl |
s6feducl:impflag w6 s harmonized education level |
s7feducl |
s7feducl:impflag w7 s harmonized education level |
s8feducl |
s8feducl:impflag w8 s harmonized education level |
s9feducl |
s9feducl:impflag w9 s harmonized education level |
r1mstat |
r1mstat:w1 r marital status w/partners, filled |
r2mstat |
r2mstat:w2 r marital status w/partners, filled |
r4mstat |
r4mstat:w4 r marital status w/partners, filled |
r5mstat |
r5mstat:w5 r marital status w/partners, filled |
r6mstat |
r6mstat:w6 r marital status w/partners, filled |
r7mstat |
r7mstat:w7 r marital status w/partners, filled |
r8mstat |
r8mstat:w8 r marital status w/partners, filled |
r9mstat |
r9mstat:w9 r marital status w/partners, filled |
s1mstat |
s1mstat:w1 s marital status w/partners, filled |
s2mstat |
s2mstat:w2 s marital status w/partners, filled |
s4mstat |
s4mstat:w4 s marital status w/partners, filled |
s5mstat |
s5mstat:w5 s marital status w/partners, filled |
s6mstat |
s6mstat:w6 s marital status w/partners, filled |
s7mstat |
s7mstat:w7 s marital status w/partners, filled |
s8mstat |
s8mstat:w8 s marital status w/partners, filled |
s9mstat |
s9mstat:w9 s marital status w/partners, filled |
r1mpart |
r1mpart:w1 r implied partnership status |
r2mpart |
r2mpart:w2 r implied partnership status |
r4mpart |
r4mpart:w4 r implied partnership status |
r5mpart |
r5mpart:w5 r implied partnership status |
r6mpart |
r6mpart:w6 r implied partnership status |
r7mpart |
r7mpart:w7 r implied partnership status |
r8mpart |
r8mpart:w8 r implied partnership status |
r9mpart |
r9mpart:w9 r implied partnership status |
s1mpart |
s1mpart:w1 s implied partnership status |
s2mpart |
s2mpart:w2 s implied partnership status |
s4mpart |
s4mpart:w4 s implied partnership status |
s5mpart |
s5mpart:w5 s implied partnership status |
s6mpart |
s6mpart:w6 s implied partnership status |
s7mpart |
s7mpart:w7 s implied partnership status |
s8mpart |
s8mpart:w8 s implied partnership status |
s9mpart |
s9mpart:w9 s implied partnership status |
r1mstath |
r1mstath:w1 r marital status |
r2mstath |
r2mstath:w2 r marital status |
r4mstath |
r4mstath:w4 r marital status |
r5mstath |
r5mstath:w5 r marital status |
r6mstath |
r6mstath:w6 r marital status |
r7mstath |
r7mstath:w7 r marital status |
r8mstath |
r8mstath:w8 r marital status |
r9mstath |
r9mstath:w9 r marital status |
s1mstath |
s1mstath:w1 s marital status |
s2mstath |
s2mstath:w2 s marital status |
s4mstath |
s4mstath:w4 s marital status |
s5mstath |
s5mstath:w5 s marital status |
s6mstath |
s6mstath:w6 s marital status |
s7mstath |
s7mstath:w6 s marital status |
s8mstath |
s8mstath:w8 s marital status |
s9mstath |
s9mstath:w9 s marital status |
r1mcurln |
r1mcurln:w1 r length of current marriage |
r2mcurln |
r2mcurln:w2 r length of current marriage |
r4mcurln |
r4mcurln:w4 r length of current marriage |
r5mcurln |
r5mcurln:w5 r length of current marriage |
r6mcurln |
r6mcurln:w6 r length of current marriage |
r7mcurln |
r7mcurln:w7 r length of current marriage |
r8mcurln |
r8mcurln:w8 r length of current marriage |
r9mcurln |
r9mcurln:w9 r length of current marriage |
s1mcurln |
s1mcurln:w1 s length of current marriage |
s2mcurln |
s2mcurln:w2 s length of current marriage |
s4mcurln |
s4mcurln:w4 s length of current marriage |
s5mcurln |
s5mcurln:w5 s length of current marriage |
s6mcurln |
s6mcurln:w6 s length of current marriage |
s7mcurln |
s7mcurln:w7 s length of current marriage |
s8mcurln |
s8mcurln:w8 s length of current marriage |
s9mcurln |
s9mcurln:w9 s length of current marriage |
rabplace |
rabplace: r place of birth |
s1bplace |
s1bplace:w1 s place of birth |
s2bplace |
s2bplace:w2 s place of birth |
s4bplace |
s4bplace:w4 s place of birth |
s5bplace |
s5bplace:w5 s place of birth |
s6bplace |
s6bplace:w6 s place of birth |
s7bplace |
s7bplace:w7 s place of birth |
s8bplace |
s8bplace:w8 s place of birth |
s9bplace |
s9bplace:w9 s place of birth |
rabcountry |
rabcountry: r born in country of interview |
s1bcountry |
s1bcountry:w1 s born in country of interview |
s2bcountry |
s2bcountry:w2 s born in country of interview |
s4bcountry |
s4bcountry:w4 s born in country of interview |
s5bcountry |
s5bcountry:w5 s born in country of interview |
s6bcountry |
s6bcountry:w6 s born in country of interview |
s7bcountry |
s7bcountry:w7 s born in country of interview |
s8bcountry |
s8bcountry:w8 s born in country of interview |
s9bcountry |
s9bcountry:w9 s born in country of interview |
racitizen |
racitizen: r whether citizen at baseline interview |
s1citizen |
s1citizen:w1 s whether citizen at baseline interview |
s2citizen |
s2citizen:w2 s whether citizen at baseline interview |
s4citizen |
s4citizen:w4 s whether citizen at baseline interview |
s5citizen |
s5citizen:w5 s whether citizen at baseline interview |
s6citizen |
s6citizen:w6 s whether citizen at baseline interview |
s7citizen |
s7citizen:w7 s whether citizen at baseline interview |
s8citizen |
s8citizen:w8 s whether citizen at baseline interview |
s9citizen |
s9citizen:w9 s whether citizen at baseline interview |
rarelig_s |
rarelig_s: r religion |
s1relig_s |
s1relig_s:w1 s religion |
h1rural |
h1rural:w1 lives in rural or urban |
h2rural |
h2rural:w2 lives in rural or urban |
h4rural |
h4rural:w4 lives in rural or urban |
h5rural |
h5rural:w5 lives in rural or urban |
h6rural |
h6rural:w6 lives in rural or urban |
h7rural |
h7rural:w7 lives in rural or urban |
h8rural |
h8rural:w8 lives in rural or urban |
h9rural |
h9rural:w9 lives in rural or urban |
r2nhmliv |
r2nhmliv:w2 R Live in Nurs home at interview |
r4nhmliv |
r4nhmliv:w4 R Live in Nurs home at interview |
r5nhmliv |
r5nhmliv:w5 R Live in Nurs home at interview |
r6nhmliv |
r6nhmliv:w6 R Live in Nurs home at interview |
r7nhmliv |
r7nhmliv:w7 R Live in Nurs home at interview |
r8nhmliv |
r8nhmliv:w8 R Live in Nurs home at interview |
r9nhmliv |
r9nhmliv:w9 R Live in Nurs home at interview |
s2nhmliv |
s2nhmliv:w2 S Live in Nurs home at interview |
s4nhmliv |
s4nhmliv:w4 S Live in Nurs home at interview |
s5nhmliv |
s5nhmliv:w5 S Live in Nurs home at interview |
s6nhmliv |
s6nhmliv:w6 S Live in Nurs home at interview |
s7nhmliv |
s7nhmliv:w7 S Live in Nurs home at interview |
s8nhmliv |
s8nhmliv:w8 S Live in Nurs home at interview |
s9nhmliv |
s9nhmliv:w9 S Live in Nurs home at interview |