codent01 |
Person identification code 2001 (=ps3) |
codent03 |
Person identification code 2003 (=ent2) |
ps3 |
Person identification code 2001 (=codent01) |
ent2 |
Person identification code 2003 (=codent03) |
np |
Person Number/ Numero de Persona |
unhhidnp |
UNHHIDNP: Unique Person Identifier (HH ID + Person Number)/ Num |
rahhidnp |
RAHHIDNP: Unique Person Identifier (HH ID + Person Number)/ 7-Char |
tipent_01 |
Type of interview 2001 |
tipent_03 |
Type of interview 2003 |
tipent_12 |
Type of interview 2012 |
tipent_15 |
Type of interview 2015 |
tipent_18 |
Type of interview 2018 |
unhhid |
Clave Unica del Hogar (=cunicah) |
cunicah |
Clave Unica del Hogar (=unhhid) |
h1hhid |
h1hhid: w1 Unique Household Identifier (HH ID + SubHH)/ Num |
h2hhid |
h2hhid: w2 Unique Household Identifier (HH ID + SubHH)/ Num |
h3hhid |
h3hhid: w3 Unique Household Identifier (HH ID + SubHH)/ Num |
h4hhid |
h4hhid: w4 Unique Household Identifier (HH ID + SubHH)/ Num |
h5hhid |
h5hhid: w5 Unique Household Identifier (HH ID + SubHH)/ Num |
h1hhidc |
h1hhidc: w1 Unique Household Identifier (HH ID + SubHH)/ 7-Char |
h2hhidc |
h2hhidc: w2 Unique Household Identifier (HH ID + SubHH)/ 7-Char |
h3hhidc |
h3hhidc: w3 Unique Household Identifier (HH ID + SubHH)/ 7-Char |
h4hhidc |
h4hhidc: w4 Unique Household Identifier (HH ID + SubHH)/ 7-Char |
h5hhidc |
h5hhidc: w5 Unique Household Identifier (HH ID + SubHH)/ 7-Char |
acthog |
Update household code 2003 |
subhog_01 |
2001 sub-household identifier |
subhog_03 |
2003 sub-household identifier |
subhog_12 |
2012 sub-household identifier |
subhog_15 |
2015 sub-household identifier |
subhog_18 |
2018 sub-household identifier |
s1hhidnp |
s1hhidnp: w1 S Unique Person Identifier |
s2hhidnp |
s2hhidnp: w2 S Unique Person Identifier |
s3hhidnp |
s3hhidnp: w3 S Unique Person Identifier |
s4hhidnp |
s4hhidnp: w4 S Unique Person Identifier |
s5hhidnp |
s5hhidnp: w5 S Unique Person Identifier |
inw1 |
inw1: w1 Response Indicator |
inw2 |
inw2: w2 Response Indicator |
inw3 |
inw3: w3 Response Indicator |
inw4 |
inw4: w4 Response Indicator |
inw5 |
inw5: w5 Response Indicator |
r1iwstat |
r1iwstat: w1 R Interview Status |
r2iwstat |
r2iwstat: w2 R Interview Status |
r3iwstat |
r3iwstat: w3 R Interview Status |
r4iwstat |
r4iwstat: w4 R Interview Status |
r5iwstat |
r5iwstat: w5 R Interview Status |
s1iwstat |
s1iwstat: w1 S Interview Status |
s2iwstat |
s2iwstat: w2 S Interview Status |
s3iwstat |
s3iwstat: w3 S Interview Status |
s4iwstat |
s4iwstat: w4 S Interview Status |
s5iwstat |
s5iwstat: w5 S Interview Status |
hacohort |
HACOHORT: Sample Cohort |
r1proxy |
r1proxy: w1 R Whether Proxy Interview |
r2proxy |
r2proxy: w3 R Whether Proxy Interview |
r3proxy |
r3proxy: w3 R Whether Proxy Interview |
r4proxy |
r4proxy: w4 R Whether Proxy Interview |
r5proxy |
r5proxy: w5 R Whether Proxy Interview |
s1proxy |
s1proxy: w1 S Whether Proxy Interview |
s2proxy |
s2proxy: w2 S Whether Proxy Interview |
s3proxy |
s3proxy: w3 S Whether Proxy Interview |
s4proxy |
s4proxy: w4 S Whether Proxy Interview |
s5proxy |
s5proxy: w5 S Whether Proxy Interview |
h1hhresp |
h1hhresp: w1 # Core Respondents in hh |
h2hhresp |
h2hhresp: w2 # Core Respondents in hh |
h3hhresp |
h3hhresp: w3 # Core Respondents in hh |
h4hhresp |
h4hhresp: w4 # Core Respondents in hh |
h5hhresp |
h5hhresp: w5 # Core Respondents in hh |
h1cpl |
h1cpl: w1 Whether a Couple hh |
h2cpl |
h2cpl: w2 Whether a Couple hh |
h3cpl |
h3cpl: w3 Whether a Couple hh |
h4cpl |
h4cpl: w4 Whether a Couple hh |
h5cpl |
h5cpl: w5 Whether a Couple hh |
r1wthh |
r1wthh: w1 Household Analysis Weight |
r2wthh |
r2wthh: w2 Household Analysis Weight |
r3wthh |
r3wthh: w3 Household Analysis Weight |
r4wthh |
r4wthh: w4 Household Analysis Weight |
r5wthh |
r5wthh: w5 Household Analysis Weight |
r1wtresp |
r1wtresp: w1 R Person-Level Analysis Weight |
r2wtresp |
r2wtresp: w2 R Person-Level Analysis Weight |
r3wtresp |
r3wtresp: w3 R Person-Level Analysis Weight |
r4wtresp |
r4wtresp: w4 R Person-Level Analysis Weight |
r5wtresp |
r5wtresp: w5 R Person-Level Analysis Weight |
s1wtresp |
s1wtresp: w1 S Person-Level Analysis Weight |
s2wtresp |
s2wtresp: w2 S Person-Level Analysis Weight |
s3wtresp |
s3wtresp: w3 S Person-Level Analysis Weight |
s4wtresp |
s4wtresp: w4 S Person-Level Analysis Weight |
s5wtresp |
s5wtresp: w5 S Person-Level Analysis Weight |
r1iwm |
r1iwm: w1 R Interview Month |
r2iwm |
r2iwm: w2 R Interview Month |
r3iwm |
r3iwm: w3 R Interview Month |
r4iwm |
r4iwm: w4 R Interview Month |
r5iwm |
r5iwm: w5 R Interview Month |
s1iwm |
s1iwm: w1 S Interview Month |
s2iwm |
s2iwm: w2 S Interview Month |
s3iwm |
s3iwm: w3 S Interview Month |
s4iwm |
s4iwm: w4 S Interview Month |
s5iwm |
s5iwm: w5 S Interview Month |
r1iwy |
r1iwy: w1 R Interview Year |
r2iwy |
r2iwy: w2 R Interview Year |
r3iwy |
r3iwy: w3 R Interview Year |
r4iwy |
r4iwy: w4 R Interview Year |
r5iwy |
r5iwy: w5 R Interview Year |
s1iwy |
s1iwy: w1 S Interview Year |
s2iwy |
s2iwy: w2 S Interview Year |
s3iwy |
s3iwy: w3 S interview Year |
s4iwy |
s4iwy: w4 S interview Year |
s5iwy |
s5iwy: w5 S interview Year |
r1iwf |
r1iwf: w1 R Interview Date Flag |
r2iwf |
r2iwf: w1 R Interview Date Flag |
r3iwf |
r3iwf: w3 R Interview Date Flag |
r4iwf |
r4iwf: w4 R Interview Date Flag |
r5iwf |
r5iwf: w5 R Interview Date Flag |
s1iwf |
s1iwf: w1 S Interview Date Flag |
s2iwf |
s2iwf: w2 S Interview Date Flag |
s3iwf |
s3iwf: w3 S Interview Date Flag |
s4iwf |
s4iwf: w4 S Interview Date Flag |
s5iwf |
s5iwf: w5 S Interview Date Flag |
rabyear |
rabyear: R Birth Year |
s1byear |
s1byear: w1 S Birth Year |
s2byear |
s2byear: w2 S Birth Year |
s3byear |
s3byear: w3 S Birth Year |
s4byear |
s4byear: w4 S Birth Year |
s5byear |
s5byear: w5 S Birth Year |
rabmonth |
rabmonth: R Birth Month |
s1bmonth |
s1bmonth: w1 S Birth Month |
s2bmonth |
s2bmonth: w2 S Birth Month |
s3bmonth |
s3bmonth: w3 S Birth Month |
s4bmonth |
s4bmonth: w4 S Birth Month |
s5bmonth |
s5bmonth: w5 S Birth Month |
radyear |
radyear: R Death Year |
s1dyear |
s1dyear: w1 S Death Year |
s2dyear |
s2dyear: w2 S Death Year |
s3dyear |
s3dyear: w3 S Death Year |
s4dyear |
s4dyear: w4 S Death Year |
s5dyear |
s5dyear: w5 S Death Year |
radmonth |
radmonth: R Death Month |
s1dmonth |
s1dmonth: w1 S Death Month |
s2dmonth |
s2dmonth: w2 S Death Month |
s3dmonth |
s3dmonth: w3 S Death Month |
s4dmonth |
s4dmonth: w4 S Death Month |
s5dmonth |
s5dmonth: w5 S Death Month |
r1agey |
r1agey: w1 R Age (years) at ivw |
r2agey |
r2agey: w2 R Age (years) at ivw |
r3agey |
r3agey: w3 R Age (years) at ivw |
r4agey |
r4agey: w4 R Age (years) at ivw |
r5agey |
r5agey: w5 R Age (years) at ivw |
s1agey |
s1agey: w1 S Age (years) at ivw |
s2agey |
s2agey: w2 S Age (years) at ivw |
s3agey |
s3agey: w3 S Age (years) at ivw |
s4agey |
s4agey: w4 S Age (years) at ivw |
s5agey |
s5agey: w5 S Age (years) at ivw |
ragender |
ragender: R Gender |
s1gender |
s1gender: w1 S Gender |
s2gender |
s2gender: w2 S Gender |
s3gender |
s3gender: w3 S Gender |
s4gender |
s4gender: w4 S Gender |
s5gender |
s5gender: w5 S Gender |
r2genderf |
r2genderf: w2 R Gender Report Update Flag |
r3genderf |
r3genderf: w3 R Gender Report Update Flag |
r4genderf |
r4genderf: w4 R Gender Report Update Flag |
r5genderf |
r5genderf: w5 R Gender Report Update Flag |
s2genderf |
s2genderf: w2 S Gender Report Update Flag |
s3genderf |
s3genderf: w3 S Gender Report Update Flag |
s4genderf |
s4genderf: w4 S Gender Report Update Flag |
s5genderf |
s5genderf: w5 S Gender Report Update Flag |
raedyrs |
raedyrs: R Years of Education |
s1edyrs |
s1edyrs: w1 S Years of Education |
s2edyrs |
s2edyrs: w2 S Years of Education |
s3edyrs |
s3edyrs: w3 S Years of Education |
s4edyrs |
s4edyrs: w4 S Years of Education |
s5edyrs |
s5edyrs: w5 S Years of Education |
raedisced |
raedisced: R Education by ISCED Code |
s1edisced |
s1edisced: w1 S Education by ISCED Code |
s2edisced |
s2edisced: w2 S Education by ISCED Code |
s3edisced |
s3edisced: w3 S Education by ISCED Code |
s4edisced |
s4edisced: w4 S Education by ISCED Code |
s5edisced |
s5edisced: w5 S Education by ISCED Code |
raeducl |
raeducl: R Harmonized Education |
s1educl |
s1educl: w1 S Harmonized Education |
s2educl |
s2educl: w2 S Harmonized Education |
s3educl |
s3educl: w3 S Harmonized Education |
s4educl |
s4educl: w4 S Harmonized Education |
s5educl |
s5educl: w5 S Harmonized Education |
raliterate |
raliterate: R Knows how to read or write |
s1literate |
s1literate: w1 S Knows how to read or write |
s2literate |
s2literate: w2 S Knows how to read or write |
s3literate |
s3literate: w3 S Knows how to read or write |
s4literate |
s4literate: w4 S Knows how to read or write |
s5literate |
s5literate: w5 S Knows how to read or write |
ranumerate |
ranumerate: R Knows how to count |
s1numerate |
s1numerate: w1 S Knows how to count |
s2numerate |
s2numerate: w2 S Knows how to count |
s3numerate |
s3numerate: w3 S Knows how to count |
s4numerate |
s4numerate: w4 S Knows how to count |
s5numerate |
s5numerate: w5 S Knows how to count |
raindlang |
raindlang: R Speaks Indigenous Language |
s1indlang |
s1indlang: w1 S Speaks Indigenous Language |
s3indlang |
s3indlang: w3 S Speaks Indigenous Language |
s4indlang |
s4indlang: w4 S Speaks Indigenous Language |
s5indlang |
s5indlang: w5 S Speaks Indigenous Language |
r1mpart |
r1mpart: w1 R Current Partnership Status |
r2mpart |
r2mpart: w2 R Current Partnership Status |
r3mpart |
r3mpart: w3 R Current Partnership Status |
r4mpart |
r4mpart: w4 R Current Partnership Status |
r5mpart |
r5mpart: w5 R Current Partnership Status |
s1mpart |
s1mpart: w1 S Current Partnership Status |
s2mpart |
s2mpart: w2 S Current Partnership Status |
s3mpart |
s3mpart: w3 S Current Partnership Status |
s4mpart |
s4mpart: w4 S Current Partnership Status |
s5mpart |
s5mpart: w5 S Current Partnership Status |
r1mstat |
r1mstat: w1 R Marital Status |
r2mstat |
r2mstat: w2 R Marital Status |
r3mstat |
r3mstat: w3 R Marital Status |
r4mstat |
r4mstat: w4 R Marital Status |
r5mstat |
r5mstat: w5 R Marital Status |
s1mstat |
s1mstat: w1 S Marital Status |
s2mstat |
s2mstat: w2 S Marital Status |
s3mstat |
s3mstat: w3 S Marital Status |
s4mstat |
s4mstat: w4 S Marital Status |
s5mstat |
s5mstat: w5 S Marital Status |
r1mstath |
r1mstath: w1 R Marital Status w/o Partnership Filled |
r2mstath |
r2mstath: w2 R Marital Status w/o Partnership Filled |
r3mstath |
r3mstath: w3 R Marital Status w/o Partnership Filled |
r4mstath |
r4mstath: w4 R Marital Status w/o Partnership Filled |
r5mstath |
r5mstath: w5 R Marital Status w/o Partnership Filled |
s1mstath |
s1mstath: w1 S Marital Status w/o Partnership Filled |
s2mstath |
s2mstath: w2 S Marital Status w/o Partnership Filled |
s3mstath |
s3mstath: w3 S Marital Status w/o Partnership Filled |
s4mstath |
s4mstath: w4 S Marital Status w/o Partnership Filled |
s5mstath |
s5mstath: w5 S Marital Status w/o Partnership Filled |
r1mrct |
r1mrct: w1 R Number of Marriages |
r2mrct |
r2mrct: w2 R Number of Marriages |
r3mrct |
r3mrct: w3 R Number of Marriages |
r4mrct |
r4mrct: w4 R Number of Marriages |
r5mrct |
r5mrct: w5 R Number of Marriages |
s1mrct |
s1mrct: w1 S Number of Marriages |
s2mrct |
s2mrct: w2 S Number of Marriages |
s3mrct |
s3mrct: w3 S Number of Marriages |
s4mrct |
s4mrct: w4 S Number of Marriages |
s5mrct |
s5mrct: w5 S Number of Marriages |
h1rural |
h1rural: w1 lives in rural or urban |
h3rural |
h3rural: w3 lives in rural or urban |
h4rural |
h4rural: w4 lives in rural or urban |
h5rural |
h5rural: w5 lives in rural or urban |
h1rural_m |
h1rural_m: w1 Size of Locality of Residence |
h3rural_m |
h3rural_m: w3 Size of Locality of Residence |
h4rural_m |
h4rural_m: w4 Size of Locality of Residence |
h5rural_m |
h5rural_m: w5 Size of Locality of Residence |