prim_key |
prim_key:primary key ID |
hhid |
hhid:housedhold ID /15-char |
pnc |
pnc:person id /2-char |
pn |
pn:person id /Num |
r1stateid |
r1stateid: r interview state |
r1iwy_d |
r1iwy_d:w1 r year of DAD interview |
r1iwm_d |
r1iwm_d:w1 r month of DAD interview |
r1lasidy |
r1lasidy:w1 r # days between LASI and DAD interview |
rabyear |
rabyear: r birth year |
rabmonth |
rabmonth: r birth month |
r1agey |
r1agey:w1 r age (years) at LASI-DAD ivw |
ragender |
ragender: r Gender |
r1phase |
r1phase:DAD phase |
raeduc_l |
raeduc_l: r highest level of education |
raeducl |
raeducl: r harmonized education category |
raedyrs |
raedyrs: r years of education |
r1illiterate |
r1illiterate: R cannot read or write |
h1rural |
hh1rural:w1 lives in rural or urban area |
r1caste |
r1caste: r caste system |
r1lang_d |
r1lang_d:w1 r language of interview |
r1risk |
r1risk:w1 Whether at risk for cognitive impairment |
r1distance |
r1distance:w1 r distance to hospital |
r1location |
r1location:w1 r location of interview |
r1iwstat_d |
r1iwstat_d:w1 Interview status |
r1wtresp |
r1wtresp:w r post-stratification weight |
r1wtrespb |
r1wtrespb:w r base weight |
r1wtresp0 |
r1wtresp0:w1 r (old) post-stratification weight |
r1obsnoise |
r1obsnoise:w1 Interviewer observation - noise in R home |
r1obsodor |
r1obsodor:w1 Interviewer observation - odor in R home |
r1obsair |
r1obsair:w1 Interviewer observation - air pollution in R home |
r1obshouse |
r1obshouse:w1 Interviewer observation - upkeep house in R home |