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idauniq Constructed variable External serial number (unique personal ID)
r1agey_e Constructed variable r1agey_e:w1 r age (years) at ivw, filled
r1f1agey_e Constructed variable r1f1agey_e:w1 r flag age at iwv top-coded, filled
r1f2agey_e Constructed variable r1f2agey_e:w1 r flag core reference wave
r1agey Constructed variable r1agey:w1 r age (years) at hcap ivw
ragender Constructed variable ragender: r gender
raeduc_e Constructed variable raeduc_e: r education (categ)
raeducl Constructed variable raeducl: R harmonized education
r1mstat_e Constructed variable r1mstat_e:w1 r marital status w/partners, filled
r1mstath_e Constructed variable r1mstath_e:w1 r marital status, filled
r1fmstat_e Constructed variable r1fmstat_e:w1 r flag core reference wave
r1wtresp_e Constructed variable r1wtresp_e:w1 r post-stratification weight
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