raxdresshlp |
raxdresshlp: someone helped r dress final 3 months |
raxbathehlp |
raxbathehlp: someone helped r bathe final 3 months |
raxeathlp |
raxeathlp: someone helped r eat final 3 months |
raxbedhlp |
raxbedhlp: someone helped r get in and out of bed final 3 months |
raxtoilethlp |
raxtoilethlp: someone helped r use the toilet final 3 months |
raxdressage |
raxdressage: age r began to need help dressing |
raxbatheage |
raxbatheage: age r began to need help bathing |
raxeatage |
raxeatage: age r began to need help eating |
raxbedage |
raxbedage: age r began to need help getting in and out of bed |
raxtoiletage |
raxtoiletage: age r began to need help using the toilet |
raxdressb1y |
raxdressb1y: r final help with dressing started within year |
raxbatheb1y |
raxbatheb1y: r final help with bathing started within year |
raxeatb1y |
raxeatb1y: r final help with eating started within year |
raxbedb1y |
raxbedb1y: r final help with getting in/out bed started within year |
raxtoiletb1y |
raxtoiletb1y: r final help with using the toilet started within year |
raxracareb |
raxracareb: r final help with any adl started within year |
raxwalkre |
raxwalkre: R Eqp-Walk final 3 months |
raxtoilte |
raxtoilte: R Eqp-Toilet final 3 months |
raxmealhlp |
raxmealhlp: someone helped r prepare a hot meal final 3 months |
raxshophlp |
raxshophlp: someone helped r grocery shopping final 3 months |
raxphonehlp |
raxphonehlp: someone helped r using the phone final 3 months |
raxmedhlp |
raxmedhlp: someone helped r with medications final 3 months |
raxmoneyhlp |
raxmoneyhlp: someone helped r manage money final 3 months |
raxmealage |
raxmealage: age r began to need help preparing a hot meal |
raxshopage |
raxshopage: age r began to need help grocery shopping |
raxphoneage |
raxphoneage: age r began to need help using the phone |
raxmedage |
raxmedage: age r began to need help with medications |
raxmoneyage |
raxmoneyage: age r began to need help managing money |
raxmealb1y |
raxmealb1y: r final help with preparing a hot meal started within year |
raxshopb1y |
raxshopb1y: r final help with grocery shopping started within year |
raxphoneb1y |
raxphoneb1y: r final help with using the phone started within year |
raxmedb1y |
raxmedb1y: r final help with medications started within year |
raxmoneyb1y |
raxmoneyb1y: r final help with managing money started within year |
raxricareb |
raxricareb: r final help with any iadl started within year |
raxrcareb |
raxrcareb: r final help with any ADL/IADL started within year |
raxracany |
raxracany: r received any care for ADLs |
raxracaany |
raxracaany: r received informal care for ADLs |
raxrascare |
raxrascare: r received informal care from spouse for ADLs |
raxraccare |
raxraccare: r received informal care from kids/grandkids for ADLs |
raxrarcare |
raxrarcare: r received informal care from relatives for ADLs |
raxrafcare |
raxrafcare: r received informal care from non-relatives for ADLs |
raxrafaany |
raxrafaany: r received formal care for ADLs |
raxricany |
raxricany: r received any care for IADLs |
raxricaany |
raxricaany: r received informal care for IADLs |
raxriscare |
raxriscare: r received informal care from spouse for IADLs |
raxriccare |
raxriccare: r received informal care from kids/grandkids for IADLs |
raxrircare |
raxrircare: r received informal care from relatives for IADLs |
raxrifcare |
raxrifcare: r received informal care from non-relatives for IADLs |
raxrifaany |
raxrifaany: r received formal care for IADLs |
raxrcany |
raxrcany: r received any care for ADLs/IADLs |
raxrcaany |
raxrcaany: r received informal care for ADLs or IADLs |
raxrscare |
raxrscare: r received informal care from spouse for ADLs or IADLs |
raxrccare |
raxrccare: r received informal care from kids/grandkids for ADLs and IADLs |
raxrrcare |
raxrrcare: r received informal care from relatives for ADLs or IADLs |
raxrfcare |
raxrfcare: r received informal care from non-relatives for ADLs or IADLs |
raxrfaany |
raxrfaany: r received formal care for ADLs or IADLs |