rabedrddn |
rabedrddn: whether r bedridden before death |
raxracany |
raxracany: r received any care for ADLs |
raxracaany |
raxracaany: r received informal care for ADLs |
raxrascare |
raxrascare: r received informal care from spouse for ADLs |
raxrascaren |
raxrascaren: # spouses helped r with ADLs |
raxrascarepd_k |
raxrascarepd_k: spouse paid for care given to r for ADLs |
raxraccare |
raxraccare: r received informal care from kids/grandkids for ADLs |
raxraccaren |
raxraccaren: # kids/grandkids helped r with ADLs |
raxraccarepd_k |
raxraccarepd_k: kid/grandkid paid for care given to r for ADLs |
raxrarcare |
raxrarcare: r received informal care from relatives for ADLs |
raxrarcaren |
raxrarcaren: # relatives helped r with ADLs |
raxrarcarepd_k |
raxrarcarepd_k: relative paid for care given to r for ADLs |
raxrafcare |
raxrafcare: r received informal care from non-relatives for ADLs |
raxrafcaren |
raxrafcaren: # non-relatives helped r with ADLs |
raxrafcarepd_k |
raxrafcarepd_k: non-relative paid for care given to r for ADLs |
raxrafaany |
raxrafaany: r received formal care for ADLs |
raxrapfcare_k |
raxrapfcare_k: r received formal care from paid professionals for ADLs |
raxraufcare_k |
raxraufcare_k: r received formal care from unpaid professionals for ADLs |
raxrafcarevw |
raxrafcarevw: r received formal care from voluntary worker for ADLs |
raxrafcarepp |
raxrafcarepp: r received formal care from public provided helper for ADLs |
raxrafcareph |
raxrafcareph: r received formal care from personally hired helper for ADLs |
raxricany_k |
raxricany_k: r received any care for IADLs |
raxricaany_k |
raxricaany_k: r received informal care for IADLs |
raxriscare_k |
raxriscare_k: r received informal care from spouse for IADLs |
raxriscarepd_k |
raxriscarepd_k: spouse paid for care given to r for IADLs |
raxriccare_k |
raxriccare_k: r received informal care from kids/grandkids for IADLs |
raxriccarepd_k |
raxriccarepd_k: kid/grandkid paid for care given to r for IADLs |
raxrircare_k |
raxrircare_k: r received informal care from relatives for IADLs |
raxrircarepd_k |
raxrircarepd_k: relative paid for care given to r for IADLs |
raxrifcare_k |
raxrifcare_k: r received informal care from non-relatives for IADLs |
raxrifcarepd_k |
raxrifcarepd_k: non-relative paid for care given to r for IADLs |
raxrifaany_k |
raxrifaany_k: r received formal care for IADLs |
raxripfcare_k |
raxripfcare_k: r received formal care from paid professionals for IADLs |
raxriufcare_k |
raxriufcare_k: r received formal care from unpaid professionals for IADLs |
raxrcany |
raxrcany: r received any care for ADLs/IADLs |
raxhlpn |
raxhlpn: number of people who helped r |
raxhlpfg |
raxhlpfg: whether maximum number of people helped r |
raxrcaany |
raxrcaany: r received informal care for ADLs/IADLs |
raxrscare |
raxrscare: r received informal care from spouse for ADLs/IADLs |
raxrscarepd_k |
raxrscarepd_k: spouse paid for care given to r for ADLs/IADLs |
raxrccare |
raxrccare: r received informal care from kids/grandkids for ADLs/IADLs |
raxrccarepd_k |
raxrccarepd_k: kid/grandkid paid for care given to r for ADLs/IADLs |
raxrrcare |
raxrrcare: r received informal care from relatives for ADLs/IADLs |
raxrrcarepd_k |
raxrrcarepd_k: relative paid for care given to r for ADLs/IADLs |
raxrfcare |
raxrfcare: r received informal care from non-relatives for ADLs/IADLs |
raxrfcarepd_k |
raxrfcarepd_k: non-relative paid for care given to r for ADLs/IADLs |
raxrfaany |
raxrfaany: r received formal care for ADLs/IADLs |
raxrpfcare_k |
raxrpfcare_k: r received formal care from paid professionals for ADLs/IADLs |
raxrufcare_k |
raxrufcare_k: r received formal care from paid professionals for ADLs/IADLs |