hhid |
hhid: household id /6-char |
pn |
pn: Person number within household (char) |
mergeid |
Person identifier (fix across modules and waves) |
country |
Country identifier |
isocountry |
UN numerical country code |
isoa3 |
isoa3: Country indicator |
inxt |
inxt: r in eol interview |
raxt |
raxt: r eol interview wave |
inw2xt |
inw2xt: r in w2 eol interview |
inw3xt |
inw3xt: r in w3 eol interview |
inw4xt |
inw4xt: r in w4 eol interview |
inw5xt |
inw5xt: r in w5 eol interview |
inw6xt |
inw6xt: r in w6 eol interview |
inw7xt |
inw7xt: r in w7 eol interview |
inw8xt |
inw8xt: r in w8 eol interview |
inw9xt |
inw9xt: r in w9 eol interview |
inw8xtc |
inw8xtc: r type of eol interview in w8 |
inw9xtc |
inw9xtc: r type of eol interview in w9 |
raxtiwm |
raxtiwm: r eol interview month |
raxtiwy |
raxtiwy: r eol interview year |
ralstcore |
ralstcore: r last completed core interview wave |
ralstcorey |
ralstcorey: r last completed core interview year |
raxprxy |
raxprxy: proxy relationship to r: eol ivw |
raxprxysp |
raxprxysp: spouse is r's proxy: eol ivw |
raxiwmode |
raxiwmode: r interview mode |
raxlang_s |
raxlang_s: r interview langauge |
ragender |
ragender: r gender |
raeducel |
raeducel: r harmonized early education level |
raeducl |
raeducl: r harmonized education level |
raedisced |
raedisced: r education by isced code |
raxmonth |
raxmonth: r death month in eol ivw |
raxyear |
raxyear: r death year in eol ivw |
radage |
radage: r age at death |
radagef |
radagef: r flag age at death |
radtoivwm |
radtoivwm: r time between death and eol ivw, months |
radtoivwy |
radtoivwy: r time between death and eol ivw, years |
radtoivwf |
radtoivwf: r flag time between death and eol ivw |
radloc_s |
radloc_s: r specific death location |
radloc |
radloc: r death location |
radlocs |
radlocs: r death location, simplified |
racod_s |
racod_s: disease that caused r's death |
ragcod |
ragcod: grouped disease that caused r's death |
raddur |
raddur: r duration final illness/death |
radmarr |
radmarr: r married at death |
radmarrp |
radmarrp: r married/partnered at death |