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codent01 Constructed variable Person identification code 2001 (=ps3)
codent03 Constructed variable Person identification code 2003 (=ent2)
ps3 Constructed variable Person identification code 2001 (=codent01)
ent2 Constructed variable Person identification code 2003 (=codent03)
np Constructed variable Person Number/ Numero de Persona
unhhidnp Constructed variable UNHHIDNP: Unique Person Identifier (HH ID + Person Number)/ Num
rahhidnp Constructed variable RAHHIDNP: Unique Person Identifier (HH ID + Person Number)/ 7-Char
tipent_01 Constructed variable Type of interview 2001
tipent_03 Constructed variable Type of interview 2003
tipent_12 Constructed variable Type of interview 2012
tipent_15 Constructed variable Type of interview 2015
tipent_18 Constructed variable Type of interview 2018
unhhid Constructed variable Clave Unica del Hogar (=cunicah)
cunicah Constructed variable Clave Unica del Hogar (=unhhid)
h1hhid Constructed variable h1hhid: w1 Unique Household Identifier (HH ID + SubHH)/ Num
h2hhid Constructed variable h2hhid: w2 Unique Household Identifier (HH ID + SubHH)/ Num
h3hhid Constructed variable h3hhid: w3 Unique Household Identifier (HH ID + SubHH)/ Num
h4hhid Constructed variable h4hhid: w4 Unique Household Identifier (HH ID + SubHH)/ Num
h5hhid Constructed variable h5hhid: w5 Unique Household Identifier (HH ID + SubHH)/ Num
h1hhidc Constructed variable h1hhidc: w1 Unique Household Identifier (HH ID + SubHH)/ 7-Char
h2hhidc Constructed variable h2hhidc: w2 Unique Household Identifier (HH ID + SubHH)/ 7-Char
h3hhidc Constructed variable h3hhidc: w3 Unique Household Identifier (HH ID + SubHH)/ 7-Char
h4hhidc Constructed variable h4hhidc: w4 Unique Household Identifier (HH ID + SubHH)/ 7-Char
h5hhidc Constructed variable h5hhidc: w5 Unique Household Identifier (HH ID + SubHH)/ 7-Char
acthog Constructed variable Update household code 2003
subhog_01 Constructed variable 2001 sub-household identifier
subhog_03 Constructed variable 2003 sub-household identifier
subhog_12 Constructed variable 2012 sub-household identifier
subhog_15 Constructed variable 2015 sub-household identifier
subhog_18 Constructed variable 2018 sub-household identifier
inxt Constructed variable inxt: r in next of kin interview
raxt Constructed variable raxt: r next of kin interview wave
inw2xt Constructed variable inw2xt: r in w2 next of kin interview
inw3xt Constructed variable inw3xt: r in w3 next of kin interview
inw4xt Constructed variable inw4xt: r in w4 next of kin interview
inw5xt Constructed variable inw5xt: r in w5 next of kin interview
raxtiwm Constructed variable raxtiwm: r nok interview month
raxtiwy Constructed variable raxtiwy: r nok interview year
ralstcore Constructed variable ralstcore: r last completed core interview wave
ralstcorey Constructed variable ralstcorey: r last completed core interview year
raxprxy Constructed variable raxprxy: proxy relationship to r: nok ivw
raxprxysp Constructed variable raxprxysp: spouse is r's proxy: nok ivw
raxmonth Constructed variable raxmonth: r death month in nok ivw
raxyear Constructed variable raxyear: r death year in nok ivw
radage Constructed variable radage: r age at death
radagef Constructed variable radagef: r flag age at death
radtoivwm Constructed variable radtoivwm: r time between death and nok ivw, months
radtoivwy Constructed variable radtoivwy: r time between death and nok ivw, years
radtoivwf Constructed variable radtoivwf: r flag time between death and nok ivw
radlocs Constructed variable radlocs: r death location
racod_m Constructed variable racod_m: disease that caused r's death
ragcod Constructed variable ragcod: grouped disease that caused r's death
radmarrp Constructed variable radmarrp: r married/partnered at death
ramvhlp Constructed variable ramvhlp: r moved into someone's house for help
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