rawtrust |
rawtrust: r had a trust |
rawitwill |
rawitwill: r had a witnessed will |
raprobate |
raprobate: r's will went through probate |
rawillsp |
rawillsp: r's will had provisions for spouse |
rawillcg |
rawillcg: r's will had provisions for child/grandchild |
rawillrl |
rawillrl: r's will had provisions for relative |
rawillot |
rawillot: r's will had provisions for other |
rawillin |
rawillin: r's will had provisions for charity |
radexpense |
radexpense: r death expense: total |
radexpensef |
radexpensef: r death expense flag: total |
rainscovr |
rainscovr: r death expenses covered by insurance |
rainspaid |
rainspaid: r death expense: insurance paid out |
rainspaidf |
rainspaidf: r death expense flag: how insurance paid out |
ralvwill |
ralvwill: r whether had living will |
ralmtcare |
ralmtcare: r had desire to limit care |
raholdtrt |
raholdtrt: r had desire to withhold treatment |
racomfort |
racomfort: r had desire to be kept comfortable |
raprolong |
raprolong: r had desire to prolong life |
ralvwillm |
ralvwillm: r month created living will |
ralvwilly |
ralvwilly: r year created living will |
ralwtodthm |
ralwtodthm: months from r's living will to death |
ralwtodthy |
ralwtodthy: years from r's living will to death |
ralwtodthf |
ralwtodthf: flag time from r's living will to death |
radpoafh |
radpoafh: r durable power of attorney for healthcare |
radpoasp |
radpoasp: r spouse was durable power of attorney |
radpoach |
radpoach: r child/grandchild was durable power of attorney |
radpoarl |
radpoarl: r relative was durable power of attorney |
radpoafr |
radpoafr: r friend was durable power of attorney |
radpoanr |
radpoanr: r non-relative proxy was durable power of attorney |
radpoadr |
radpoadr: r doctor was durable power of attorney |
radpoara |
radpoara: r religious advisor was durable power of attorney |
radpoalp |
radpoalp: r legal professional was durable power of attorney |
radpoasw |
radpoasw: r social worker was durable power of attorney |
radpoaot |
radpoaot: r other person was durable power of attorney |
radpoanf |
radpoanf: r non-family member was durable power of attorney |
raxlifeins |
raxlifeins: r any life insurance settlement |
ralfinsv |
ralfinsv: r life insurance: total settlement |
ralfinsvf |
ralfinsvf: r life insurance flag: total settlement |
ralfinssp |
ralfinssp: r spouse beneficiary of life ins |
ralfinsch |
ralfinsch: r child beneficiary of life ins |
ralfinsgk |
ralfinsgk: r grandchild beneficiary of life ins |
ralfinsrl |
ralfinsrl: r relative beneficiary of life ins |
ralfinsot |
ralfinsot: r other non-relative beneficiary of life ins |